Fast weather changes in autumn 2024 required some skills!
Honestly - April and 1st half of May month had seen many rainy days.. have YOU went out?
April 2024 has been nothing but ups and downs - with the temperature!
So much temperature difference that April 2024 had by now - wooow!
Yes, we know - a chubby is not really so much appreciated specie like Brown Trout, Grayling, Lake Trout etc.. but..
Most of the anglers consider April is a start of the fly fishing season - wrong!
Rainy March in Slovenia but guys went out!
Now that a successful hucho-hucho season is over some secrets can be revealed and offered to the World!
New exciting and catchy streamers are added to the Faunaflyshop stock on a weekly basis!
Collected videos of various lures and flies can now be found in one place - TECH TALK channel of Faunaflyshop on YOU TUBE!
Markets offer many lures - but only hand full are needed to catch the Beast hucho! Choose carefully!
After a violent 2023 Autumn - winter was mild and offered many days of comfortable Hucho Fishing. If you can ever call a hucho fishing - comfortable..
Just a short recap of the extraordinary season Summer 2023
April was always a wet month - but after the drought we had been experienced the last summer, with some rivers being closed - we now look differently on those rainy days..
Early days of 2023 Fly fishing season saw a good action of anglers and they can be very content with the fishing results!
While August was a big drama, having record-breaking low levels on many rivers, September early brought so desired rain and with it - normalization of Fly fishing life. Fresh water income immediately resembled on Fish activity and mid-September, with all the October, brought back what August toke away! -
August ended and we can relief now since September`s rain re-opened all fly fishing areas and rivers!
Perhaps July is not most popular Flyfishing month, but if you know how to tailor your fishing day - it can be as much fun as in June or September! --
Madness Dry fly of the early July is slowly settling down to calm dry fly taking from the surface..
April 1st - all fools day allowing anglers to lie a bit about the sizes caught! :-)
What an exciting Hucho fishing season we have just closed!!
A visit from the Switzerland - that ends with a spectacular Hucho catch!!
January and February rewarded only the most skilled Hucho fishing anglers!
Clear water of the Alpine river makes scenery sooo nice - but the fishing for the Huchos soo hard!
Respect - and Release every Hucho! Regardless the size, for every Hucho-Hucho catch, equal amount of labor and efforts needs to be performed!
December on it.s half - Hucho fishing rolls on! SNOW was very early this year and it seems like - it shall stay!
Winter Hucho fishing on the Sava and Sava Bohinjka river whitened by a snow delivery!
Winter is here and with her - the Hucho fishing thrills! The Hucho fishing is known to be a hard task - but the rewards are high and appreciated!
November 15th saw the opening of the Hucho fishing season on the Sava Bohinjka river
October 2021 will remain in a very nice memory of fly fisherman! Not just because of active and well fighting fish but also spectacular colors of the river banks!
October month is honestly less famous for the Fly fishing than September - or let`s say June.. But that is injustice - October is a top time to be in Slovenia!
Calm moments on the river with small circles of rising Trout on the surface! As situation might sound very relaxing - it can as well be a very challenging one.
July offered lots of sun but as well active fish - for those who were able to find them! Second half of July had seen strong increasing of the Flyfishing visitors - most likely a consequence of loosen borders and higher percent of the vaccinated EU citizen.. -
Summer is well here and Flyfishing on the cold river feels sooo good!
Record breaking heat of the end of June was like perfect, to spend free time on the various Flyfishing possibilities along the Sava Bohinjka river!
Another great use of the Mini Leach series Streamers - proven also on the power station lake Moste, by our Field testing man T.Sintobin! Sinking tip lines and mini streamer, powered by a well equipped belly boat - result can`t fail!
This we do not see every day (or month) and it deserves some attention, admire and respect - to the fish and angler ;-)
Weather is mixing fishing conditions on a daily basis but we can not say that would be bad - on the contrary - Fly fisherman that can adapt are experiencing some very nice moments out there on the rivers Sava Bohinjka, Soca, Krka, even on the high Unica river!
Most appreciated still water catch - The LAKE TROUT! While the rain pushes the levels of the Western Slovenia fly fishing areas up - and down - and up again... Lake Bled is always the same - Tempting!! :-)
Fly rods can be used also on the Alpine lakes like the lake BLED and Bohinj! This last was our target the last time we went out there with our college Tom!
New and very interesting Jacket from SIMMS is out!
Rain and even snow holding us off the rivers, but we need to fish - and we can nicely do it on the lake Bled!
April was officially declared as most wet and cold since 2007! If you add the Covid lock - downs.. it truly wasn`t any good at all in Flyfishing sense..
With Monday, April 26th, Hotels and Pensions can open up to 30 individual rooms - for Fly fisherman of course :-D
Cold April keeps the snow up there in the mountains - rivers keeping their optimum levels!
A strange weather we have been facing in 2021 - from super warm March - to freezing early April! But we can adapt our Fly fishing easily!
Tomorrow, April 1st Sava Bohinjka, Soca, Savinja, Sava Dolinka and other popular rivers open their 2021 Fly fishing season!
March 2021 will be remembered for many bad things, but also for the great weather and active Trout!
Thousands of cubic meters of the snow is waiting up there in the high Alps to start melting away with warmer spring temperatures... :-O
Breathable waders - especially if from the SIMMS Brand, might be one of the most precious peace of your Fly fishing gear. And while we regularly wash our day time clothes, that is usually not the case with our waders. But it should not be like that.. Why? Read below..
After a long winter and even longer shut-off from Covid restrictions (still lasting) it is almost a Holiday-like to go on some Trout fly fishing again!
March month in Slovenia opens a few of very interesting fly fishing areas and rivers!
If we started the ended Hucho Season all in doubts and troubled because of the corona situation - we are ending it still in the corona situation but full of good energy for the future! The catches of the big and healthy Huchos we had been producing this winter give us strong intentions that the coming winter fishing season 2021/2022 will be even stronger - and this time also hosting tourist anglers that had been missing on the rivers this year.
With the Thrill of the Hucho-hucho Huchen fishing one will be hearing many advises and stories and Legends.. but one is surely trust worthy; -
Wondering why most of the Hucho-hucho fisherman start to give up and putting away they spin and fly rods two weeks or more before the closing of the Huchen season with February 15th?
What can be more challenging than landing a massive and hard to track Hucho Salmon? And to make the game even harder - you must do it with a single hand fly rod and a barbless hook!
Into the final two weeks of Super Excited Hucho fishing season we GO STRONG! -
When the snow covers the river banks of Slovenian Hucho fishing rivers - the legendary Huchen fischen sport shines in it`s full beauty!
With the temperatures far below zero Celsius, casting the fly line can already be a hard task - not to mention hooking some Hucho along the way..
Sava Bohinjka river - we love you - giving us this kind of magic moments that keeps us all positive and motivated to beat down the damn virus and return to our normal lives and fishing again - stronger than ever!
We are ending a year that could easily be forgotten - unless we think on some memorable Hucho-hucho catches that some of our Team members and local Hucho fans had achieved!
This morning, December 22nd was like perfect for the fight with a big fish!
First December`s Snow lured our Anglers and the Huchos!
Muharjenje na SULCA je v zadnjih letih v polnem zagonu! Lahko z gotovostjo trdimo, da na manjših rekah že prehiteva vijačenje - tako po popularnosti, kakor tudi po uspešnosti!
Novembra še vedno lahko ujamete lipana na suho muho - če bo ta le dobro plovna ter ne prevelika!
Nova kolekcija SIMMS jesen-zima 2020/2021 nam je postregla tudi z novim kamuflažnim vzorcem! Veil Camo Ltd nenehno razvija vzorce, ki uporabnika čim bolj zlijejo z naravnim okoljem ob vodi!
Poskrbite za svoje muharske škornje! Družinski Proračun vam bo hvaležen.. :-)